Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's a Jungle Out There

I'm convinced I'm living in a jungle. As I was taking photos of Jae today for our weekly pregnancy pic, she noticed a lizard perched on a cactus plant beside her. The little fella was just sunbathing . . . taking a little tan. Here's a few pics I caught of him after I was done shooting Jae.

Look at 'em climb those leaves. Kinda reminds me of Godzilla scaling the walls of a building.

Keeping a watchful eye on strangers with cameras.

Up close and personal.

"They'll never see me if I just remain still."

I came across another lizard earlier last Saturday. It may have been the same one I saw today. If it was, he somehow managed to lose his tale last week and regrew it in time for today's shoot. Here he is on our lily plant.

Trying to get his attention.

Ah, finally, a portrait. Gotcha.

He blends in perfectly doesn't he?

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